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Ground Source Heat Pumps

The solution for housebuilders’ electricity grid capacity constraints

GTC logo, in black.

GTC and the Kensa Group, have joined forces to deliver a low-cost renewable heating and cooling solution for tens of thousands of new build homes a year – introducing the Networked Ground Source Heat Pump solution.

Networked ground source heat pumps is an effective and deliverable solution for heating, hot water and cooling in residential homes and other buildings on your site. The solution not only brings financial savings for developers but also lower costs for residents. Plus, it’s outstanding efficiency and environmental sustainability minimises grid demand.

With up to five times the efficiency of gas and 30% more efficient than individual air source heat pumps, these ground source heat pumps require the same electricity capacity as gas fired homes. This makes it the ideal solution both for new developments and those that are in-build but will need to switch from being gas heated to being heated using electricity.

We’re proud to collaborate with Kensa, the UK’s foremost experts in heat pumps for over 25 years. This partnership provides housebuilders with access to award-winning, British-made heat pumps, ensuring top-notch quality and reliability.

Read more about our partnership with Kensa.

Why Ground Source Heat Pumps?

  • Cost saving

    We invest in the solution so it provides lower per plot cost to developers than individual air source heat pumps.

  • Carbon saving

    With higher system performance and lower electricity usage, GSHP Networks are the most carbon-efficient option.

  • Energy saving

    3-4 kWh of heat is produced for every 1 kWh of electricity, resulting in significant energy savings for residents.

  • Grid saving

    The efficiency of ground source reduces the strain on the grid, requiring no more capacity than gas heated homes.

Ground Source Heat Pumps Explained

Networked heat pump systems mimic the gas grid and are infinitely scalable, tailored to meet the layout and heat demand of the site.

Benefits of Ground Source Heat Pumps

  • Space compact

    We have one of the world’s smallest units – made in the UK and designed specifically for UK housing. With no box on the outside the visual appearance of the home is unaffected and no garden space is used.

  • Low running cost

    Residents benefit from lower heat and hot water costs through a simple monthly Community Heat Charge (similar to a gas standing charge), without seasonal variations or cold weather premiums. Plus there are no maintenance costs.

  • Year round efficiency

    With a constant ground temperature, heat pumps maintain high levels throughout the year, and are not impacted by air temperature even when it’s cold outside.

  • Quiet operation

    Quiet inside the home – similar to a fridge with no noisy fans. The heat pump’s cupboard location further reduces noise.

  • Cooling options

    Passive cooling is available at limited additional capital cost and no extra cost to residents – providing Part O compliance benefits.

  • Reliably comfortable

    Provides 100% of heating and hot water needs without electrical backup, perfect for underfloor heating or modern radiators.

The Next Generation of Home Heating and Cooling

Kensa Shoebox & NX

The Shoebox is the world’s smallest ground source heat pump. Our 3kW Shoebox and 5kW NX models are perfect for apartments and homes with 2 to 5 bedrooms.

They’re made in Britain, tailored for UK developments and designed to be installed as simply as a gas boiler, making it easy for housebuilders’ M&E teams.

Ground Source Heat Pumps FAQs

We work in partnership Kensa who have installed 3500 ground source heat pumps in new build. Kensa has 25 years’ experience with GSHP. GTC is the leading multi-utility provider with nearly 30 years’ experience. Our sister company, Metropolitan has15 years’ experience supplying to heat 10,000 residential customers to-date. GTC has worked with Kensa on product developed over two years, where extensive design and due diligence, with technical guidelines, streamline contract suites (T&C’s) have been developed.
The UK’s varying geology and underlying rock has different thermal conductivity. The borehole design, e.g. number and depth holes and separation are influenced by geology as well as well as the heat demand which is influenced by the housing mix. We carry out a desk top geological assessment at quotation stage and determine heat demands using housing mix and property details provided by you the housebuilder. Risk such as geological risk is undertaken by GTC by providing a firm quotation.
The answer is yes, virtually all locations can be drilled. GTC identifies any location where surveys need to be carried out and reports are provided before drilling such as UXO, mining and environmental assessment. We have experience to support you with this. There are methods for drilling on contaminated land. Drilling cannot be undertaken on land fill areas.
We locate boreholes in foot paths, shared areas (e.g. visitor car parking). We avoid siting boreholes and the shared network of pipe work and manifolds in private gardens. We do only install dedicated service connections in private gardens. With Ofgem regulation from 2025, heat assets will have statutory undertaker rights like other utilities. Until that time, we will work with you to engage with your highway authority.
We do the drilling when the initial road infrastructure is built with ground levels within a meter of finished level. Drilling is at a rate of 2-5 boreholes a week. We will discuss with you the extent of drilling that can be done in a single operation. Typically, we assume that we will mobilise our drilling rig twice per year. We recognise the importance of your construction programme and will work closely with you and your groundworker to avoid any impact on your programme.
Boreholes are connected to dwellings via 40mm HDPE pipe and manifolds. We have standard multi-utility trench drawings for pipework and manifolds in a typical service corridor. Pipework depth is 600mm.
The quiet compact heat pump (The Shoebox 3kW heat pump dimensions are 515 (H) X 480 (W) X 360 (D) and the Shoebox NX heat pump dimensions are 627 (H) X 554 (W) X 570 (D) can be located in the cupboard underneath the hot water cylinder or alternatively the heat pump can be separate from the cylinder, for example underneath the stairs. Both heat pumps require 150mm clearance at the top. Your design team will be provided with all the parameters of the heat pump plus guidance on hot water cylinder specification. We will provide comment on your design of the space heating and hot water systems.
Ofgem is appointed as heat network regulator – this was part of the Energy Act (2023). Ofgem is now working to commence regulation in 2025. As well as providing important technical compliance, Ofgem will provide residents with service and price protection. We are founder members of the Heat Trust, an independent organisation championing heat customers protection. We have experience in delivering high standard of service to your customers. Ofgem will bring enhanced pricing requirements. A stated role from the Energy Act is to ensure licenced heat network operators provide fairness and transparency within their charging structures.
Following the installation of the networked ground source system, our sister company Metropolitan, who is experienced in operating heat networks, will own the system up to and including the heat pump. Our fixed monthly Community Heat Charge includes whole serving, call outs and replacement for the system including the heat pump. Residents will enjoy hassle free fully inclusive services with no extra changes providing piece of mind.
We include a smart thermostat within our quotation, and this provides the resident with more efficient running of the heat pump and much more user control. The controls improve heat pump performance, allow residents to optimise against their energy supply tariff and provide the convenience of an easy-to-use mobile app.

For further information about ground source heat pumps, please contact the GTC Sales Team on 01359 240154 or to find your local contact please click here.

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