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Community Heat Hubs

Gas usage for heating new homes will end by 2025, ahead of a net-zero commitment by 2050. Driven by the aims of the Future Homes Standard, finding reliable, cost-effective alternatives to gas is now a top priority for UK developers.

Low Carbon Heat Solutions

We provide a full-service approach that encompasses all aspects of a project. From the initial design and construction of the network to its adoption and ongoing operation, GTC is the expert partner for low-carbon heat solutions.

Serving Greener Communities

GTC’s practical, cost-effective, and zero-carbon-ready heat networks for low-density housing is a scalable, future-proof solution. We’re already delivering centralised low-carbon heat to new communities, facilitating the smooth transition from gas-fired heating to zero-carbon alternatives.

View our Westland Heath case study.

Greener Community Heat Hubs

Our community heat hub solution uses air-source heat pumps to generate low-carbon heat, delivering heat and hot water to every home through a highly insulated pipe network.

  • Heat pumps take heat from the air and boost the temperature using a compressor. The heat is then sent into the network so that it’s ready to keep each home warm, even on the coldest of nights, and delivers a reliable supply of hot water.

  • Until recently, heat networks have operated with water temperatures of around 85-90°c. New building regulations and industry guidelines now allow us to operate at lower temperatures, making plastic pipes a practical long-term solution and heat networks a very competitive option for low-density housing.

  • Our innovative new design uses highly insulated plastic pipes to carry water at 60°c, making it a much more cost-effective way to heat sites while keeping our customers’ homes reliably warm. Plus, there’s no need for a cylinder in the home as the network will provide instantaneous heat and hot water.

Once GTC has designed and constructed the heat network, our asset-operating sister company will adopt it. Metropolitan takes care of all ongoing operations and maintenance, along with all the service needs of the end-users, supporting the new communities connected to our networks 24/7. Read more here.

Community Heat Hub Spotlight

Find out more about the different aspects of our Community Heat Hub in the below film gallery.

Our Community Heat Hub explained

Our networks maximise value for homeowners and housebuilders. We design our community heat hubs to meet electrical capacity constraints. We can reduce the overall site peak by 15% compared with individual heat pumps. This reduces the need for grid reinforcement saving housebuilders both time and money. We use the heat hub’s thermal stores to lower our electricity peak demand, using the storage to flatten our electricity use through the day.

Our thermal stores are also key to our Customer Price Promise and reducing heating bills by up to 20%. We charge our thermal stores at night, when electricity prices are at their lowest, then switch off the heat pumps during peak price times and use the supplies we’ve stored to provide cheaper heat to customers.

For further information about our community heat hubs please contact the GTC Sales Team on 01359 240154 or to find your local contact please click here.

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